Another school year is yet to come
and the soon-to-be Azhariyyat have moved to Alex,
and they are...
Nur Insyirah Fera (Syariah),
Amalyna (Syariah),
Rafidah (Usuluddin),
Mardhiah (Usuluddin),
Liyana Hairi (Syariah),
Liyana Abdul Rahim (Syariah)
and Hazimah Ulfah (Syariah)...
Lets pray and hope that everything will go smoothly for them...

و الـلــه المـسـتـعـــان
and the soon-to-be Azhariyyat have moved to Alex,
and they are...
Nur Insyirah Fera (Syariah),
Amalyna (Syariah),
Rafidah (Usuluddin),
Mardhiah (Usuluddin),
Liyana Hairi (Syariah),
Liyana Abdul Rahim (Syariah)
and Hazimah Ulfah (Syariah)...
Lets pray and hope that everything will go smoothly for them...

و الـلــه المـسـتـعـــان
Amiin! :))