20 March 2008/12 Rabiulawal 1429 is a day to celebrate. we decided to gather at beit Farawlah to celebrate the birth of our beloved prophet Muhammad pbuh with prayers and singings of praises and remembrance of our Habibullah.
in addition, to make our gathering a bit more fun, we played some games. this is what it looks like when you throw some hadith in charade:
almost half an hour of hadith charade sure was exhilarating as well as mind boggling! how about some solawat for a break?
well, back with some games. win lose or draw!
umm..rumah! tak.. kaabah! yep! zamzam! close.. air zamzam! kurang tepat... restoran zamzam! oi! takde kene mengena! ha! telaga zamzam! tepat sekali!!
nadiah:*macam mane nak draw 'nabi wafat pada umur 63 tahun' ni?!*
*apa la si huda draw ni...*
huda:*jabal uhud..korang,jabal uhud la...tak macam bukit ke ni?..*
and so we thought after about 45 mins of intellectual challenging win lose or draw(hehehe..),we had come to the end of it. but wait. we had a tie. so how about a hadith win lose or draw eh girls?
faizah:*innamal mu'minuna ikhwah..nampak pendek, tapi gerenti korang confuse dengan hadith2 ikhwah yang lain..hahhahhah*
*la yu'minu ahadukum hatta yuhibbu liakhih salah...almuslimu man salimal muslim pun salah..ape eh?*
aziemah:*man ra'a minkum munkaran...bet this one will rake their brains out! hihihihih*
*ish. susah ni...lain orang la draw..*
phewh! finally! after 45 mins of figuring out 2 hadith!
4th place: group1:huda,jannah and amira.
3rd palce: group2:nadirah,nadiah and haryani.
2nd place: group4:hidayah,fairuz and aishah.
1st place: group3:puti,mashitah and sakinah. MabruK!! :)
last but not least..makan time!
Alhamdulillah..after almost 3 hrs of celebration and fun,we'd come to the end of our gathering. in light of remembering and cherishing the life of our prophet Muhammad pbuh,we hope and pray that his teachings and guidance live in us and that his sunnah be followed with love and reverance. Always. ameen ya rabbal 'alameen..
Allahumma solli 'ala sayyidina Muhammad!
many thanks to puti,hidayah and aishah for the hospitality..faizah for d beautiful flowers(still wondering the name of the flower...)..and to all who contributed the glorious foods! :)
ps:to everyone,a million apologies for the very very late update...
from Alex with love...
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