Saturday, December 12, 2009

Birthday Celebrations cum Farewell party

Salams to all!
May you be in the best state of health and iman. Aamin.

Alhamdulillah, we the the Alex babes had once again gathered on 3rd Dec- for the third time,
officially at Beit Farawlah in celebrating the winter babies' birthday (those born in oct, nov and dec),
and also a surprise farewell party for our beloved senior sister Hidayah.
the main purpose of having this kind of gathering, is to strengthen the ukhuwwah between us,
to acknowledge their birth (part of Allah's creation) and at the same time having fun together (:

Started with an opening speech by Sister Hazimah Ulfah, and folowwed by an old-school game- PYRAMID
organised by the duo sister Fadhlina and Sister H.Ulfah from The Welfare Unit.
it was an exiciting game, that made us all shout and laugh all the way trough it
the two groups- "kami" and "jannah" - was so eager to answer and solve the question.
we also played the game W.L.I.A ( who's line is it any way ), a game that really test our creativity.

in the middle of this two games, we actually had a break. we performed our isyak prayers together,
and then enjoy our supper- firakh masywi (grilled chicken), fatirah (murtabak), sliced guavas
and lemonade as the thirst quencher. YUMMY!

next- right after the second game- we proceed to the cake-cutting session.
a yummy-est choc-fruity cake shared by us all. nice!

and yeah! the last event of the day, a suprised farewell party for sister hidayah!
a video presentation, award giving session, and a farewell gift from us; Alex babes.
it was a touching moment. especially when sister hidayah gave her last speech to us.

"bila Allah berikan kite sesuatu ujian, kite harus fikir bahawa setiap ujian pasti akan ada kemanisannya,
sentiasalah bersangka baik kepada Allah"

"kak dayah sayang korang semua"

and yes sister hidayah! we all love you too. you're the bestest senior we ever had.

and that bestly suits the award of being 'The Best Senior' of Alex.

Here are some of the pictures..

I guess that's all for now.
I hope readers out there, would care to pray for us all,
as our fisrt sem examination is just around the corner.

Till we meet again.. insyaAllah (:
Wassalamu 'alaikum wr. wb.

el-faqeerah ila Allah,

Nurushshahidah bte Sabran
Year 1 Lughah

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